Schlossfestspiele Ludwigsburg



Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

The GWÖ, short for Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie [common welfare economics], pursues the worldwide aim of reconciling our economic system with ethical values in line with public welfare. The GWÖ's regional groups are the point of contact for private individuals, protagonists in the realms of civil society, politics and business. They promote the exchange of ideas between these protagonists, promulgate the aims of common welfare economics, and assume an important function for organisations aiming to draw up a common welfare balance sheet.

Alessandra Hensel, manager of the GWÖ Baden-Württemberg group for nine months now, is engaged in driving forward the economy in an ethical and ecological direction. As a volunteer with Amnesty International for the past ten years, she campaigns for human rights and supports discourse on ethical and sustainable economics through sneep (student network for ethics in economics and practice). As a lecturer on common welfare economics at Heilbronn University, she encourages thinking outside the boundaries of classical economics.

Tim Weinert volunteers as co-ordinator of the Stuttgart regional common welfare economics group. Event technician, industrial engineer and sustainability manager, he had previously undertaken diverse roles and tasks. He is co-founder of »nowwork – Werkstatt für kooperative Organisationen« [workshop for co-operative organisations]. Nowwork supports organisations towards increased self-organisation, co-operative competences and sustainable management. Weinert is also involved in various collectives supporting the transformation to sustainable management of resources.

A production of the Ludwigsburg Festival 2020

Konrad Amrhein – idea & concept / Jasmin Astaki-Bardeh – camera & sound / Adrian Huber – camera & sound / Felix Länge – editing / Jonas Urbat und Maria Reich als #LeakIt – music

In cooperation with Ludwigsburg city, the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Engagement Global – and the Ruprecht Foundation

show overview